Tuesday, July 20, 2021

Award and Certificate of discovery league

 I am pleased to share that our school had  participated in India's favorite national - level inter school  quiz contest - the Discovery School Super League (DSSL) ! 

I am here with sharing the awards of the same - 


Thursday, July 1, 2021

BYJU's- National Level Quiz Contest - class 3 to 10

We are pleased to inform you that our school Ramanujan Sarvodya Kanya Vidyalaya-Mehrouli is participating in Discovery School Super League this year.

Discovery School Super League is a National Level Quiz Contest for Students between Class 3 to Class 10.

We request all Parents to encourage their wards to participate in this prestigious contest.

To Participate, students will need our School Identification details:

School Name: Ramanujan Sarvodya Kanya Vidyalaya-Mehrouli

City: Delhi

School Identification number (UID):  DELH10925

Parents are requested to download the app by clicking on the links below:

For Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.byjus.dssl For iOS: https://apps.apple.com/in/app/discovery-school-super-league/id1522907411

Please note that this is an initiative to ensure our students continue learning in the current scenario! Request the students to take the Sample tests on the application before taking the main test. More details about this initiative will be available soon from our teachers.

प्रधानाचार्या द्वारा पत्र

प्रिय छात्राओं, रामानुजन सर्वोदय कन्या विद्यालय में आपका स्वागत है। आपका विद्यालय दिल्ली के सबसे बेहतरीन विधालयों में से एक है। इस समय, हम ए...